Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Our Byzantine Connection -- Bro. Deacon Jerome Wolbert, OFM

In August, I was appointed to serve as deacon at Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church (link to in McKees Rocks, PA, near Pittsburgh (use photo from blog). I arrived just before the parish celebrated its 100th anniversary. Holy Ghost parish has many young families--children and teenagers (link to byzanteens/children ministry--see Sr Celeste/archeparchy website).

Bro. Deacon Jerome Wolbert, OFM in the center

As we approached the feast of St Nicholas, the children and teens presented a program with readings and carols to help us prepare for Christmas.While I was finishing my studies, my ministry was mostly serving at liturgy and preaching weekly.

One thing I appreciated most about my studies was studying the Bible. Knowing how to read the Bible carefully with understanding is very helpful both for my personal life and for preparation for preaching. Now that my studies are complete, I am helping out at the parish in other ways as well, including helping make pirohi, which the parish sells to raise money. Fr Ron--the pastor at Holy Ghost--and I also visit people in nursing homes and hospitals.

The brothers I live with have a wide variety of ministries--social justice, hospital and police chaplaincy, sacramental service to Roman and Byzantine Catholic parishes and convents. The many experiences of the friars give us different perspectives on the Church and the needs of people.

A number of people in our neighborhood appreciate that we keep our chapel open during the day, providing a quiet place to pray.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many years Brother Deacon Jerome!