Thursday, May 31, 2007

Franciscan Friars Installed as Liturgical Ministers at St. Joseph Friary, Chicago, IL

We are pleased that our brother David Kelly was installed as Acolyte and our brothers Jason Welle and Matthew Farrington were installed as Lectors and Acolytes at St. Joseph Friary in Chicago, IL. All three are students of theology at Catholic Theological Union (CTU) in Chicago's South Side neighborhood of Hyde Park preparing for the Catholic priesthood. On Thursday, 19 April, they were all installed to their respective ministries.

Bro. David is comes from Chippewa Falls, WI, Bro. Jason Welle is from Albany, MN and Bro. Matthew Farrington is originally from Cleveland, OH.

These are official ministries of the Catholic Church, meaning that when they are installed they may serve throughout the entire Catholic Church of the Roman Rite! (Most readers of the Word of God and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist are delegated to serve only in their parish, and by exception beyond their parish community.)

Fr. Bernard Kennedy, OFM, Secretary of Formation and Director of Priestly Formation for our province installed them in the name of the Provincial Minister, Fr. Leslie Hoppe, OFM.

In the above photo Fr. Bernard installs Bro. Jason as Lector by presenting him with the Scritpures.

Fr. Bernard installs Bro. David to the Ministry of Acolyte. He holds a chalice and paten which symbolize his role in preparing the altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist and distribution of Holy Communion.

The ministries of Lector and Acolyte were formerly known as "minor orders" in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church. Since Vatican Council II these have been renamed as "ministries." The difference, as noted above, is that these are official ministries and are universal -- for the whole Church. They are normally conferred on those men preparing for the priesthood, such as our brothers.

The installation took place during the community's Thursday evening Eucharist. The Lector is one who proclaims the Word of God to the assembly. They Acolyte prepares the altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist (second major part of the Mass) during the Preparation of the Gifts. In the absence of a deacon he may also help with the distribution of the Eucharist to the faithful at Mass. The Acolyte may take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound. As you may be well aware, this is also what an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist does. According to recent liturgical documents from Rome, the Acolyte may also purify the vessels after Mass.

Bro. Matthew is installed to the Ministry of Lector by Fr. Bernard as he holds the Scriptures.

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